1. CSIR NET: Even B.Tech. people can write this exam. 50% exams come from CS topic while 50% from other areas like EC. This score helps your for Research admissions in IITs/IISc. Happens twice a year.
  2. UGC NET: Same as above but restricted to Master students (including MCA).
  3. TIFR: For those interested in Theoretical Computer Science. Happens in December.
  4. PGEEE
  5. BITS HD
  6. BARC
  7. Other PSU exams. See PSU tab here

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  1. CSIR NET: Even B.Tech. people can write this exam. 50% exams come from CS topic while 50% from other areas like EC. This score helps your for Research admissions in IITs/IISc. Happens twice a year.
  2. UGC NET: Same as above but restricted to Master students (including MCA).
  3. TIFR: For those interested in Theoretical Computer Science. Happens in December.
  4. PGEEE
  5. BITS HD
  6. BARC
  7. Other PSU exams. See PSU tab here

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