Algorithm | Worst Case | Average Case | Best Case | Min. no. of swaps | Max. no. of swaps |
Bubble | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Selection | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Insertion | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n)$ (when array is sorted) | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Quick | $\theta(n^{2})$ (when array is sorted, and pivot taken from one end) | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Merge | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | Is not in-place sorting | Is not in-place sorting |
Heap | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $O(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ |
When sorting happens within the same array, its called in-place sorting. All the above sorting except, merge sort are in-place sorting. In merge sort, we use an auxiliary array for merging two sub-arrays
This matters only for arrays with same element repeated. For an element $a$ occurring at positions $x$ and $y$ in the original array, such that $x < y$, in the sorted array A[x] must be placed
Algorithm | Worst Case | Average Case | Best Case | Min. no. of swaps | Max. no. of swaps |
Bubble | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Selection | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Insertion | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n^{2})$ | $\theta(n)$ (when array is sorted) | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Quick | $\theta(n^{2})$ (when array is sorted, and pivot taken from one end) | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | 0 (when array is already sorted) | $\theta(n^{2})$ |
Merge | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | Is not in-place sorting | Is not in-place sorting |
Heap | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ | $O(n\lg n)$ | $\theta(n\lg n)$ |
When sorting happens within the same array, its called in-place sorting. All the above sorting except, merge sort are in-place sorting. In merge sort, we use an auxiliary array for merging two sub-arrays
This matters only for arrays with same element repeated. For an element $a$ occurring at positions $x$ and $y$ in the original array, such that $x < y$, in the sorted array A[x] must be placed