This site is made mostly from gatecsewiki where GATE resources were collected from GATECSE FB Group and continuously updated by me for serving GATECSE students. This site is also used as a resource portal for GATE Overflow (GO) where Q/A happens for GATE.
Some history of GATE CSE:
I joined GATECSE FB Group in 2013 and there were many good people like Bikram Ballav, Arvind Devraj, Rajesh Pandey who were helping GATE students. I got a special liking to it as before/after my GATE I got no guidance- I did not know that GATE even had a syllabus. Of course I was not interested in it also – without knowing how can one be interested. So, I wanted to ensure that students are better prepared for GATE and know about all possibilities. And all the wonderful people in group always help any good stuff and we have managed to collect so many resources which are all listed in this site.
Listing the core contributors of GATE CSE FB Group and GO:
- Arvind Devaraj is the creator of the GATECSE FB Group. He inspires and helps all those in the community.
- Kathleen joined the group despite from non-CS background and does a tremendous job in ensuring free education is available for everyone. Not to mention her contribution to GATE Overflow in design and in getting most of the previous year GATE questions at rapid speed. Without her GATEOverflow would not have been so popular.
- Praveen Saini is an admin of GATE Overflow and his expertise in Digital Logic, Theory of Computation and others has immensely helped the students.
- Bikram Ballav is a core contributor to GATE CSE and has collected a vast resources which he shares among the aspirants and has also made the test series in GO.
- Pragy Agarwal the main contributor to the group from among the students. He always helped us, be it in solving some issue or in implementing some features. When GATE Overflow lost its data, he helped a lot in back up. But his main contribution is in getting the Score predictor for GATE2016 which worked with >99.5% accuracy and is the only one which could handle normalization.
- Arindam Sarkar is another aspirant who helped back by providing a wonderful Exam creator tool for GATE Overflow. This is going to help future aspirants immensely.
- Omesh Pandita started the idea of GATE Overflow and have been an administrator ever since. He is a real expert in Theory of Computation.
- Happy Mittal for providing awesome explanation for mathematic questions.
- Sankaranarayanan for providing wonderful answers to many topics in GATE Overflow
- Suraj Kumar for providing his expertise in Compilers, Linear Algebra etc. and thus making GATE Overflow answers better
- Rajesh Pandey has been an enthusiastic administrator of GATECSE FB Group and regularly helps aspirants.
- Shyam Singh is and admin of GATECSE FB Group and has developed the website for the group and has helped in any web related activities.
- Pradeep Pandey and Nithish Divakar despite their busy schedule in IISc. have always found time to answer queries from aspirants.
Other Contributors
We also have other people who work for us and help serving the GATE CSE community. They include:
- Natalliyah – helps in all works in GATE CSE/ GATE Overflow
- Jotheeswari & Misbah – prime editors of GATE Overflow/Aptitude Overflow questions
- Rahul Kumar Yadav – maintains Important Dates for CSE Academic Jobs/Admissions
Some of the aspirants have also helped us a lot. They include
- Akash Kanase who helped in answering a lot of questions on GATE OVerflow, and adding GATE 2016 Set 2 paper and lot of other questions on Gate Overflow.
- Pooja Palod in making a schedule for GATE CSE discussions for GATE 2016 and also answering a lot of questions on GATE Overflow,
- Amar Vashishth for answering many questions and making them look beautiful in GATE Overflow,
- Mithilesh Upadhyay for providing TIFR questions for GATE Overflow and correcting many questions,
- Ravi Singh for leading many discussions,
- Ganesh for providing many data for Last Rank/Important dates,
- Abhilash and Sandeep for uploading/answering many of questions and ensuring the timely release of GATE Overflow key in 2016,
- Snehil Joshi, Digvijay Pandey and Rajarshi Sarkar for answering a lot of questions on GATE Overflow,
- Dilpreet Kaur for verifying GATE keys and notifying any errors in answers,
- Some aspirants like Prateeksha Kesari, Hunaif Muhamad, Pooja Palod, Kittu Gupta, Srinath Sri, Khushboo Mishra, Snehil Joshi have also helped in managing the GATECSE FB Group.
I’m sure I have missed many contributors because many have offered me help at times. I apologize for that. There are some who have provided help anonymously like the Counsellor in GATE Overflow and though I cannot reveal their names, a special thanks to all of them.
Some Feedbacks
GATE 2016

Finally GATE AIR -51 …thank you happy..thank you mumma papaSuraj for your support..special thanks to Arjun Suresh Sir,Pradeep PandeySir,Shyam Singh Sir for your constant guidance and motivation..Thank you gatecse community and gateoverflow for help..Thank you everyone..
Finally results are out.. i still cant believe i made it on top 250.. being an EC graduate, it almost seemed impossible to prepare for CS gate in the span of 5 months without any professional guidance..but technology has brought everything closer.. i am grateful to every active member of this group, Arjun Suresh sir for making such an amazing helpful website gateoverflow, Kathleen ma’am for creating this group which provided a platform for discussion, gateoverflow book was a great help.. without this book, it would have been impossible.. and last but not the least Pragy for the application!

Got AIR 88
Thanks to all the members of this group.
it was more than a group.. it was like a family for me smile emoticon grateful to be part of such a awesome group of people.. thanks to all the mentors Arjun sir,Praveen sir Pritam sir and to each member of this group for their help. smile emoticon

Thanks #GateOverflow Community ……… I have learned a lot from you ……. Though might not have ended where I actually wanted ……. Still I am determined to make it through via IITB RA wink emoticon
Thanks to all the group members for answering my queries all the time …..
Wish I was connected with this group from the beginning ….. I might have landed somewhere else tongue emoticon
Thanks Arjun Suresh Sir …… I haven’t seen someone soo much dedicated towards students and their welfare …. You are like DEAN cum Professor for us ………. Nd loads of thanks to Pragy Agarwal …… You just opened our eyes at the right time……otherwise guys like me might have had a heart attack on the result day tongue emoticonThanks buddy……will try my best for M.Tech. RA interviews and see you there at IITB
P.S. Got AIR 332 #GATE2016
AIR 332

Thank you #Gate_Overflow for providing such a wonderful environment for#Gate_Aspirants.. It provides a grt #learning_Environment for Students to learn.. So, much people to answer your #doubts .. Everyone can find their own company here.. Every kind of person is here.. #Diversity tongue emoticon tongue emoticon
Got AIR – 4 smile emoticon grin emoticon
Special Thanks to Arjun Suresh sir , Praveen Saini Sir , Pragy Agarwal ,Kathleen Bankson mam #Other_Gate_Overflow_members.. It’s a symbol of excellence & inspires me a lot .. smile emoticon heart emoticon kiss emoticon Hope our #India will soon be like this site.. where people will #help & Cooperate with each other a lot.. smile emoticon grin emoticon kiss emoticon #free_learning grin emoticon